BluNotes are Super!
2018 Holiday Gift Guide / November 9, 2018

Blu Notebook My daughter, 21, and husband, are arguing over who gets the amazing BluNotes notebook.  It’s this amazing graph paper, colored blue.  I love it too, but I usually let my family fight about who gets what products.  BluNotebooks are super cool, and Sarah wants to use it to draw her outfits for Cosplay.  Joe wants to use it for work.  So, between the two, I don’t know if I will give it to either.  I may just keep it, and use it myself. Sarah does draw very well, and I’d love to see her Cosplay outfits drawn on.  But, Joe would use it for work, where he’s a supervisor, but not in charge of the prints.  I think it will become Sarah’s Blu Notebook, so she can bring Cosplay to life. The BLU Notebook is the first ever sketching journal made from pages that have the look and feel of traditional blueprint paper (Without the smell of Ammonia!). BLU offers an aesthetically pleasing and soothing effect when using vibrantly pigmented white and coloured gel ink against the rich blue pages of BLU. The Pages of BLU Blue pages with a light blue grid 10:1” grid within a finer 2:1…