Check out the magic of Shnooks

Shnooks are so cute, and cuddly.  My 6 year old loves them.  We opened it, shook it, and he played with his Shnook for hours.  But, you can do more than just play with your Shnooks, you can get online, and play there.  They are so cute, and warm.  I can’t wait until we can go to Walmart to get some more Shnooks.  They are inexpensive, and your child will love it. They grow 8x the size they start out.  That’s amazing.  I want one for me, I may have to go just so I can get one.  They are suitable for age 3+. You can go here, to watch a video, and meet the Shnooks.  The Shnook, pictured above, Shazam.  She’s so cute, and so much fun, for my little one.  He even sleeps with her at night.  You can read more about Shazam, and the other Shnooks, on the link in this paragraph. My sister in law gave a Shnook to a little girl she watches, age 3, and she just loves it.  Just as my son does, they play with their Shnooks together, and take them on mini adventures. Stay posted to This Frugal Family for a contest,…